Kambria aims to launch an open innovation platform, similar to Linux and Android, that improves on the Robotics and AI economy by making the development faster, easier and cheaper. The platform will be fueled by blockchain technology and a reward system that incentivizes contributing community members. The crypto-economics in combination with blockchain technology intend to make the platform self-sufficient. The Kambria team themselves have a front row seat within the evolution of this new frontier tech…
要做一个机器人有多难?这个问题,开发人员应该心有戚戚焉。从软件开发、人工智能、硬件设计、生产制造,每个环节就可能是单一公司专研的领域,机器人得把这些技术集于一身。硅谷的区块链公司 Kambria 希望通过区块链的开源及经济激励特性,利用社区的力量解决机器人当前被技术难、成本高而“锁住”的问题。目前已与越南、日本、澳大利亚、美国的企业合作,项目包括机器人、数据分析、甚至是飞行汽车(flying ca…
We sat down with Dr. Tra Vu, COO of Kambria and engineering professor at NYU, to talk about how to bring AI and robotics to the masses. If that comes true, she points out the broad social impact it would have for disabled children taking classes without physically being at school; seniors connecting with loved ones with the aid of robots; remote workers collaborating with onsite staff; and many other aspects of society. The interview is on…