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In support of our new partnership, cryptocurrency exchange DragonEx Exchange invited Kambria Team members to participate in an exclusive online roadshow with both the DragonEx English and Chinese-speaking communities. The event featured Kambria community managers Annie Wang (CH) and William Ryan (EN). Both sessions were focused and very active. Here is a recap of the conversation with William in the English channel; for clarity, the original text has been lightly edited for grammar and spelling. Do you have any idea…

Dear Kambria Community, we are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership between Kambria and Terra! Terra is building a decentralized stablecoin that will power the next-generation payment solution, paving the way for mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. The protocol ensures price-stability by algorithmically expanding and contracting supply and makes a decentralized guarantee of solvency through a collateral token called Luna, which protects Terra from the speculative and regulatory risks other cryptocurrencies are exposed to. Through our…

Our new year is off to a great start and we have a special announcement for you! Kambria is launching its Open Innovation Hub Program this month on January 29th. The Open Innovation Hub is a network of physical research and development labs across the globe, supported by Kambria’s online open innovation platform. These labs will be Kambria’s local champions to promote and accelerate the use of KAT to develop new advanced technologies. Hubs will be…