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Kambrians, September is off to a great start! Last week we hosted special guests from the Vietnam National Innovation Center. The Minister of Planning and Investment and his top officials toured Kambria’s Silicon Valley office as part of an initiative to build a National Innovation Center (NIC) for Vietnam. NIC headquarters will be in Hoa Lac, near Ha Noi, Vietnam and its multiple branches will be located around the world, including one in Silicon Valley,…

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) là các mô hình học tập trực tuyến dành cho đại chúng. Bạn có thể đã tiếp xúc với mô hình học tập MOOC qua các khoá học tại Coursera hay Edx. MOOC và công nghệ AI đang trở thành nguồn cảm hứng mới dành cho bất kỳ kỹ sư nào có tham vọng phát triển sự nghiệp trong lĩnh vực công nghệ. Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn tìm…

AI is transforming industries and Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are transforming education. Together the two are a very powerful combination that any aspiring engineer or developer can leverage to skyrocket his or her career. The speed of technological development means change will come much sooner than expected. Are you ready? Keep reading to learn more about MOOCs, the benefits, and why you should consider them now to learn about hot tech topics like artificial intelligence,…