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Artificial Intelligence


Last week, our community actively participated in the Vietnam AI Grand Challenge by casting votes for their favorite teams. The 12 Grand Finalist Teams still competing will be invited to the Kambria AI Incubation Program, where they will be mentored for one month by experienced AI professionals to develop their projects for the Grand Finale.  Other benefits of the Incubation Program include: $3000 AWS credits VND 1 million Gift Voucher at Highlands Coffee Elsa Speak…

As the world moves towards “the fourth industrial revolution”, the emergence of open innovation has become of increasing importance. Traditionally, organizations have relied on internal R&D resources and human capital to produce innovative products and services. While this traditional form has resulted in a significant amount of groundbreaking and life-altering technology, modern-day innovation has moved towards an “Open innovation” model. Let’s review what open innovation is and highlight 5 open innovation systems that are wildly…

KAT NOW TRADING ON BINANCE DEX As of July 24th, the KAT/BNB trading pair tradeable on Binance DEX, the largest decentralized trading platform in the world! By expanding the Kambria blockchain to include both ERC20 and BEP2 tokens, we achieve increased decentralization and interoperability, taking advantage of the many benefits of utilizing the Binance Chain blockchain. Binance Chain focuses on performance, ease-of-use, and liquidity, allowing Kambria to tap into a global network of developers, enthusiasts,…