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Kambria Project Portfolio is calling for projects about deep technology To all the teams who have taken part in our activities before, This is your chance to be featured on Kambria’s platform in order to get recognized in our network ➔➔ Fill out Kambria Project Portfolio Form:  https://forms.gle/8YSHv88sDuVfxyVR6 Kambria would like  to shout out to all the hard work you’ve been putting in. Our latest program – Kambria Project Portfolio, which aims to evolve into…

Our Kambria Ambassador Program is on going with more exciting activities to come. Kambria would like to present 3 tiers for all Kambrians to sign up and take on the role as a representative for Kambria Community. Each tier with roles and responsibilities stated precisely below allows KAMBASSADORs to excel their community passion and dedicate their commitment to the community. To better understand about 3 tiers of KAMBASSADORs, let’s have a look at the overview…

Hạn chót nộp bài dự thi KO Hackathon 2021 là 17:00 (giờ VN), ngày 11 tháng 5 năm 2021.  KO Hackathon 2021 đang tiến vào giai đoạn nước rút, các đội thi đang dần hoàn thiện giải pháp của mình để kịp nộp bài cho hạn chót vòng loại KO Hackathon.  Cùng lắng nghe những câu chuyện thú vị của các đội dự thi KO Hackathon 2021 lần này:  Bạn Tú Ngô, đội Kurtosis Reborn…