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To all beloved Kambrians, Following the upcoming DAO events and creating activities for the community to participate in, Kambria is delighted to announce a new activity called TechSift: The Pet Care Robot DAO – Proposal Review Contest.  In this Contest, the community will join to evaluate the proposals of two Dev Teams participating in the Pet Care Robot DAO Proposal Submission phase. With enthusiastic reviews from the community, the Dev Teams will have more sources…

Dive into the world of NFTs with Pet Care Robot DAO’s exciting Animal Kingdom NFT Collection Sale Referral Contest. Explore stunning NFT artworks, win rewards, and be a part of our vibrant NFT collection community bow! Following upcoming DAO events and establishing activities for the community to participate in, Kambria is excited to introduce a new activity named The Ripple Effect for Society: Pet Care Robot DAO – Animal Kingdom NFT Collection Sale Referral Contest.…

KAMBRIA – On June 2, 2023, Kambria achieved a significant milestone by hosting the Pet Care Robot DAO Launch Event. This event marks the initiation of official DAO fundraising and serves as a platform for the Pet community to engage with Kambria’s forthcoming milestones and activities. The event also provides Developer Teams an opportunity to showcase their proposed solutions for our cherished furry companions, gaining valuable insights from the DAO Judges Committee in this Decentralized…