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Machine learning is one of the most influential and rapidly growing fields in all of computer technology. If you’re interested in getting into machine learning, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts relevant to the field, like algorithms, variables, and different types of model analysis. While there is much more to learn than what is covered in this article, this brief crash course in machine learning will provide you with some definitions/intuitions regarding…

Thân gửi các Kambrian, Kambria trân trọng thông báo việc niêm yết KAT Token trên sàn giao dịch phi tập trung Binance DEX. Cặp giao dịch đầu tiên trên sàn Binance DEX là cặp KAT / BNB. Giao dịch sẽ được bắt đầu kể từ ngày 24 tháng 7 lúc 7:00 tối theo giờ PDT (tức 2 giờ sáng ngày 25/07 theo giờ Việt Nam). Kambria xin cảm ơn đội ngũ Binance và cộng đồng…

The confusion matrix is one of the most powerful tools for predictive analysis in machine learning. A confusion matrix gives you information about how your machine classifier has performed, pitting properly classified examples against misclassified examples. Let’s take a look at how to interpret a confusion matrix and how a confusion matrix can be implemented in Scikit-learn for Python. What Is a Confusion Matrix? Perhaps you are wondering: What exactly is a “confusion matrix”?  Put…