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As part of the VietAI Summit 2019, Phuong Hoang gave a presentation covering how robots can be taken from simulation to real robots. Recently, we have seen great potential applications of both consumer and industrial robots. However, it is not one night story to build a robot from scratch. In this talk, Phuong provides a working pipeline to build a real robot from mechanics design to simulation to construct a real legged robot. He then…

机器人开发平台正在给机器人领域带来巨大的变化,使更多的人能够将机器人设备用于更广泛的应用领域。有许多不同的机器人开发平台,包括OhmniLabs自己的机器人开发平台:https://ohmnilabs.com/developer-edition/。 在深入了解Ohmni的机器人开发平台之前,让我们先深入研究和比较一下其他各类机器人开发平台各方面的优劣势。 什么是机器人开发平台? 机器人开发平台是一…