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We are excited to bring you the details for Quiz 04 of the Kambria Code Challenge: Reinforcement Learning! This is the last quiz of the first series Kambria Code Challenge. Quiz 04 focuses on the AI topic: “Reinforcement Learning”, and takes place at 2 PM (UTC+7), Saturday, August 22, 2020. Be sure to read the details below, and click “Join This Challenge” to participate. Kambria Code Challenge – Quiz 04: https://bit.ly/Standard-Quiz-04-Bounty Quiz 04 Includes 2…

🌟 Kambria Gamification Program We are thrilled to announce some of one of our biggest updates to the Kambria Platform yet. As we continue to cultivate our developer-focused platform, we have put in place a new program that truly creates long-term incentives to keep our users engaged, motivated, and rewarded with the new Kambria Gamification Program.  In addition to the normal KAT/USDT rewards for successfully completing activities, we will now be awarding Karma and Kambria…

2020年康博利亚(Kambria)代码挑战赛 ​📢 康博利亚(Kambria)代码挑战赛第2轮即将开启,提前注册赢得丰厚奖励! 我们很高兴为您带来最新的Kambria代码挑战的最新消息。第二次测试的主题是人工智能:“卷积神经网络”,开始时间是2020年2月29日,星期六。我们为最早注册的参与者额外准备了丰厚的奖励。只需点击下面的链接,了解如何注册此次测试并且获得KAT奖励! 此外…