Dear Kambrians, Following the nomination contest series, Kambria is excited to introduce a June Community Contest, which is the Innovative Organization Nomination Contest. In this contest series, we would love to invite the Kambria community to suggest organizations from around the world for Kambria to invite to the Kambria Open Innovation Hub. Let’s see what you should do to win this contest: I. CONTEST RULES 1. Nomination ✅ The participant will create and send the…
Dear Kambrians, Besides Project Nomination, we would like to introduce another new series for May Community Contest: Deeptech EdVid Creation. Aiming to nurture the spirit of learning and sharing from each other in our community, with this series, we would love to call the Kambria community to create EdVids for Kambria Knowledge Base. Contest Rules 1. Proposal: Participants will submit a proposal to Introduce the video you want to create: Deeptech category: AI/Robotics/Blockchain/AR-VR/IoT Topic: our…
Dear Kambria Community, I’m reaching out today from Kambria’s Silicon Valley office to address the current state of our project. As the KAT price indicates, we have had a rough few months. For various reasons, including market sentiment and an unexpected divestment by one of our biggest backers, we have experienced a significant decline in the current value of KAT. And while we received validation for our project this year in several key areas, we…