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We don’t just make robots at OhmniLabs for the sake of making robots. We build robots to connect people — to bring people closer together. We’re using cutting-edge technology not just to innovate (though innovation is crucial to what we do), but to figure out how we can take care of each other in new and better ways. It’s not about the machines — it’s about the impact the machines have on people. That’s why…

Additive manufacturing using commercially available 3D printers gives us the ability to quickly produce and iterate our designs. Since we are using these end use products, it is critical to understand the consequences of using such machines and associated materials. This week, we focused on understanding the effect temperature has on two types of common 3D printing filaments, PLA and PETG. PLA (Polylactic Acid) and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) filaments are the most popular forms…

雷锋网「新智造」按:从为iPhone用户排队买新品的EmBot,到帮助在外逃亡的斯诺登成功“登上”TED舞台,远程协助机器人越来越多的出现在我们的生活中,不过目前市面上的远程协助机器人更多的定位于企业,而本文所介绍的机器人初创公司 OhmniLabs,则想将远程协助机器人带进普通家庭。新智造作为雷锋网旗下栏目,关注智能时代的创新与创造,目标是为创业者和投资人找到创投的机会。 昨天,总部位于加州圣克…

把聊天对象带到你身边 前天,美国机器人初创公司OhmniLabs在Indiegogo上推出了一款名为Ohmni的新型消费者远程呈现机器人。目前处于众筹阶段,售价是1460美元,比最终售价便宜500美元。 OhmniLabs总部设在加州,公司团队由机器人专家和技术企业家组成,在AI、机器学习、多代理系统、工业设计、机电工程和云基础设施方面的丰富经验。据OhmniLabs CEO Thuc Vu表示,…