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Dear Sir/Madam,

We are from Kambria (https://kambria.io/), an open innovation platform for Deep Tech (AI, Robotics, Blockchain, VR/AR, IoT…) with the mission to shape the future of technology where technology is open and contributes more to society.

One of our programs is Kambria DAOs, an initiative for the community to co-own technology, where DAO members of a technology solution will decide the development and commercialization of it, and get revenue sharing when the solution is commercialized.

  • In 2023 we have launched the first 4 Robotics Impact DAOs for Pet Care, Mine Clearing, Ocean Cleanup and Underwater Conservation. 
  • In 2024 we are introducing the next 4 Daily-life Impact DAOs of Elderly Care, Home Gardening, Smart Recycle and Tech Learning. 

We would like to invite you to be a member of the Judge Committees of these DAOs, with detailed information as follows:

About the DAO Judge Committee

The development work of the DAO technology solution will be reviewed and approved by a Judge Committee of 3 categories:

  • Technical experts who have experience in relevant tech to evaluate the technical aspects of the solution. 
  • Business expert who has experience in business, finance, or investment to bring a commercial perspective to the evaluation process.
  • Industry expert who has experience working in the relevant industry, and has a good understanding of the needs and concerns of the community to review the work from implementation and community involvement perspectives.

The selection process of Judge Committee members:

  • Candidates are shortlisted from the DAO community nomination and volunteering, plus Kambria invitation. Candidates could be from the DAO Council, DAO community or Guests.
  • In the pre-launch phase, the decision of Judge Committee members is made by Kambria. 
  • When the DAO Council is established, they can vote to change Judge Committee members when needed. 

Scope of Work

  1. In the DAO Launch event, Top 2 Dev Teams will present their solution proposals. The Judge Committee will join to provide evaluation in the presentation session as well as submit their evaluation forms on Kambria platform.
  2. When the selected team starts to develop the solution (typically in 9 months until it is ready for commercialization). The progress will be managed monthly:
  • At the end of each month, Dev Team submits the release and presents their report
  • The Judge Committee will provide evaluation in the presentation session as well as submit their evaluation forms on Kambria platform.

Note that these sessions will be in English, online via Zoom and open for the community to join. They will also be recorded and shared (edited version) for rewatch.

  1. The rotation of Judge Committee members for flexibility:
  • The Judges will participate in evaluation sessions of the solutions relevant to their expertise. 
  • For each evaluation session of a DAO, we will alternately invite 2 Technical Judges, 1 Industry Judge, and 1 Business Judge from the Judge network. 
  • With this rotation scheme, Judges can have more flexibility in their time commitment. Organizing team will check their availability prior to each evaluation session.

A token of our appreciation

As a token of our appreciation, the Judges will receive a package of: 

  • Payment of $300 in USDT for each Proposal presentation or Monthly progress review session.
  • 300 Credit rewards and 300.000 Karma rewards for each Proposal presentation or Monthly progress review session. Note that as you accumulate Credits, you will unlock special privileges such as eligibility for participating in a DAO Council by being a Top active member of that DAO.
  • Special discount in DAO LP token sales.
  • And being honored in Kambria Expert Network for collaboration connections in the ecosystem.

Interested in joining us?

If you are interested to explore further, we would love to arrange a meeting to share with you an introduction about Kambria and Kambria DAOs initiative.

Please provide your confirmation by replying to this email so that we can proceed to the next steps.

Looking forward to hearing from you. We would be honored to have your participation in our social impact journey!



Kambria is the first decentralized open innovation platform for Deep Tech (AI, Robotics, Blockchain, VR/AR…). Using our platform, anyone can collaborate in researching, developing and commercializing innovative ideas and get rewarded fairly for their contributions. Through partnerships with government agencies, top universities and leading companies, Kambria is dedicated to building a sustainable open innovation ecosystem to change the way we innovate and to accelerate advanced technology development and industry adoption. Together, let’s shape the future of technology where technology is open and contributes more to society.