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Category Kambria


Growing ‘Technology Trees’ is a principal objective of the Kambria Foundation. Our unique advantage is that we already have robotics product in the market, and we will use it to jump-start the open innovation platform. OhmniLabs is licensing its technologies — software and hardware — to Kambria for its use in the development of the first vertical in AI & Robotics. But to grow our technology trees, we will have to work with our research…

Creating business opportunities for the robotics and AI industry has been Kambria’s mission since the dawn of its inception. High start-up costs, isolated development teams, and a lack of collaboration have impeded the growth of robotics development and hindered new businesses from getting off the ground. To Kambria, the solution is clear: create a way to incentivize collaboration to effectively accelerate the evolution of robotics technologies and allow entrepreneurs to pursue their vision. In this…

If you’ve read our previous articles, you know that Kambria is a platform that enables and incentivizes collaboration to stimulate open innovations. Although the platform will be focusing on improving the robotics and AI industry at the outset, Kambria will also be positively impacting projects in other verticals. In this series, we will be discussing how Kambria will facilitate a wide range of projects across a multitude of key verticals, including: · Robotics & AI ·…