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Kambria Community, the time has come to announce the winners for the #KambriaContentChallenge Quiz 01! Thank you to everyone who supported our first educational quiz based on our Learn, Practice, Prove, and Earn Rewards initiatives. For more information on these initiatives, be sure to check out the Kambria 2020 Roadmap. With 233 participants, our first Kambria Code Challenge was a success! Participants answered 15 multiple choice and short answer questions about Fully Connected Neural Networks.…

Greetings, Kambrians! As outlined in the Kambria Roadmap: 2020, we are starting the new year with a strong focus on community growth and development. We have already made great progress in growing Kambria’s reach and developer community worldwide.  In case you missed it, Kambria will soon open an office in China! Kambria was selected as one of the “Canal Elite” talent programs and will partner with the Hangzhou government to accelerate technology development in the…

It is our pleasure to announce that Kambria has been selected as one of the “Canal Elite” talent programs and will partner with the Hangzhou government in China to accelerate technology development in the region. The city of Hangzhou has developed a large ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and attract international talent. Kambria is establishing an office in Hangzhou International Talents Entrepreneurship and Innovation Park (HITEIP) to build a developer community and to expand Open-Innovation-as-a-Service, which…