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Can you believe it? Last month, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper. Who could have imagined one decade ago that Satoshi Nakamoto’s peer-to-peer digital cash system would have such a tremendous impact? It took a true visionary to see the future potential of Bitcoin way back in 2008. Fed up with corrupt, centralized banks that caused the 2007 market crash, Satoshi created Bitcoin as an alternative economic system. Bitcoin’s road to mainstream…

주최자인 캄브리아는 블록체인 활용사례가 세계적인 기업 및 사용자들에게 채택되기 시작하면서 블록체인 투자자, Cameron 및 Tyler Winklevoss, Joe 및 Jeff Lonsdale과 같은 실리콘 밸리 기업가 및 동남아시아의 신생 벤처기업 CEO를 한곳에 모아 “Innovation, Community, and Impact”를 베트남에서 진행 할 …

Recently, one of our community members posed a question in our global Telegram channel. “In a nutshell, how can BC [blockchain] help you and how will you use it?” Dr. Thuc Vu, Kambria CEO and Co-founder, responded with three reasons why Kambria is adopting blockchain technology. One of the most important reasons Kambria is adopting blockchain is to build our own tokenomics. This in turn allows us to bootstrap and build a community much faster and…