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On December 22nd, VietAl and Kambria co-organized the VietAl Summit 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Many projects on Al research and adoption were introduced at the event. Dr. Thuc Vu, Kambria’s CEO and Co-founder, delivered the opening speech Applying AI to Agriculture Kenneth Tran, an engineer at Microsoft Research, introduced his project on AI applications in agriculture. Tran’s project helps “develop an algorithm which has the ability to operate indoor farms in an automatic…

캄브리아는 모든 사용자가 이익을 공유하는 인공지능, 로봇 개발 및 유통 플랫폼으로, 모태는 현재 미국 실리콘벨리 ‘OhmniLabs’이며, 모두가 쉽게 로봇을 만들 수 있고 저렴하고 유용한 로봇을 공급하는 업체입니다. 주최자인 캄브리아는 블록체인 활용사례가 세계적인 기업 및 사용자들에게 채택되기 시작하면서 블록체인 투자자, Cameron 및 Tyler Wi…

Kambria is spreading holiday cheer! Recently, we sponsored the Female Founders Community (FFC) holiday party in San Francisco and a good time was had by all. With over 6000 global members, FFC is the go-to place for female founders to find advice, guidance, investment, and support from other female founders. Members share about their startup, resources they find valuable in running their startup, advice/tips/tricks on fundraising, and reviews of investors and tools to find valuable events.…