블록체인과 암호화폐를 기반으로 핀테크 혁신에 나서고 있는 테라가 기술 협력의 폭을 넓혀가고 있다. 지난해 하반기 티몬과 배달의민족을 비롯해 글로벌 쇼핑 플랫폼 큐텐 등 아시아‧태평양 지역 기업과 ‘테라 얼라이언스’를 맺어 대규모 가입자 기반을 확보한데 이어 최근에는 스테이블코인(가치안정화폐) 공동연구 등 기술협력의 폭을 넓히면서 생태계를 굳혀가고 있는 것이…
It’s 2019 and we’re off to the races! We had a number of wins over at Kambria this week — here’s a recap in case you missed it including a new Kambria partnership with Terra and our new Open Innovation Hub program. NEW PARTNERSHIP: Terra We are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership between Kambria and Terra! Through our partnership, Terra and Kambria will work to implement Terra’s Cross Chain Stability Mechanism to provide a…
In support of our new partnership, cryptocurrency exchange DragonEx Exchange invited Kambria Team members to participate in an exclusive online roadshow with both the DragonEx English and Chinese-speaking communities. The event featured Kambria community managers Annie Wang (CH) and William Ryan (EN). Both sessions were focused and very active. Here is a recap of the conversation with William in the English channel; for clarity, the original text has been lightly edited for grammar and spelling. Do you have any idea…