Ask a few dozen random people about the things they cannot live without and many will immediately respond, “my smartphone!” Who would have thought that an invention could scale so quickly and become an inseparable part of our daily lives? In just over 10 years the mainstream adoption of smartphones has increased to a point that many are solely reliant on their device for news, weather, social media, hotel or restaurant reservations, online shopping, playing…
Peruse today’s internet and artificial intelligence reports are everywhere. At the 5th World Internet Conference held in November, private docking services were provided for 10 driverless cars. On the same day, the Xinhua News Agency launched the world’s first “AI synthetic anchor” initiating a hot discussion in both the Chinese and foreign media “AI wants to grab our rice bowl.” If you’re like most people, the thought of a robot stealing your food is scary!…
블록체인과 암호화폐를 기반으로 핀테크 혁신에 나서고 있는 테라가 기술 협력의 폭을 넓혀가고 있다. 지난해 하반기 티몬과 배달의민족을 비롯해 글로벌 쇼핑 플랫폼 큐텐 등 아시아‧태평양 지역 기업과 ‘테라 얼라이언스’를 맺어 대규모 가입자 기반을 확보한데 이어 최근에는 스테이블코인(가치안정화폐) 공동연구 등 기술협력의 폭을 넓히면서 생태계를 굳혀가고 있는 것이…