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聆听最成功的区块链投资者和硅谷企业家是如何在行业内生产影响力的。 大会主题 Kambria在11月14日会于Lixibox携手在越南胡志明市举办一场仅限邀请者参与的科技聚会,聚会的主题是“创新、社区和影响力”,旨在发掘智能合约应用下的未来经济场景变革,目的是向当地企业家介绍杰出的企业领袖和有意在越南建立长期合作关系的投资商。 这场科技聚会将是一次连接技术界和投资界的盛宴,也会彻底奠定Kambria…

Are you interested in designing an AI virtual assistant? There are so many different ways to design one, where should you start? A good way to start designing an AI virtual assistant is to follow these steps:  Decide on the assistant’s role/functions  Decide on a development approach Decide which tools you are going to use When designing stick to the Dos and Don’ts of virtual assistant creation Let’s go over these steps in more detail.…

In spite of its high usability, innovation in the robotics market is suffering from labor substitution problems and cost problems. Kambria is decentralized open AI&robotics platform to accelerate the development and adoption of impactful robots. Hashed Post interviewed co-founders Thuc Vu and Jared Go. All answers were answered directly by Thuc Vu. Can you briefly introduce yourself, including your history? I am an engineer nerd at heart who is passionate about entrepreneurship and social causes.…