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What a great way to kick off 2018! We were recently invited to participate in the CMU 2018 Summit, Carnegie Mellon University’s Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Summit. The CMU Summit is an annual event that attracts more than 6000 participants, 600 startups, 100 US and international media outlets. It is supported by over 350 high-profile industrial and academia speakers from both the US and China. The Summit is one of the biggest events at the…

Since the middle of the 20th Century, humanity has been dreaming of a future filled with magical robots that automate the mundane and achieve the impossible. We imagine being freed from toil and physical limitations, among so many other things. But after decades of mind boggling advances in computing and tech toys, the most functional robots to date are limited to the industrial sector. Where are all the dish washing robots, the laundry bots, the…

What is Innovation? Innovation is a buzzword that is thrown around in all types of organizations, from businesses to educational institutions, to government bodies. Even schools’ parent-teacher groups are required to “innovate”. However, many misunderstand the word innovation for creation or invention. A quick search shows innovation actually stems from the Latin word innovationem, which means restoration or renewal. To innovate means to take previously discovered ideas and theories and apply them in novel ways to solve problems. There…