Over the past year, Kambria has hosted four hackathons at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Fordham University and George Brown College in Toronto, Canada, and earned the top prize in the State of Chain Hackathon’s Healthcare Division. Sponsored by PWC, we beat 25 other teams from around the world innovating around blockchain technology. So, yeah, it’s safe to say we’ve learned a thing or two along the way about what separates winners from losers. Want to win your…
What does innovation mean to you? What does it mean to be an innovative company, to create new ideas and realize them in the real world? According to Wikipedia, “innovation” means a “new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in the form of device or method”. Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements or existing market needs. Such corporate innovation takes place by creating more-effective products, processes, services,…