Ho Chi Minh City Hackathon The hackathon event attracted 17 teams and 68 developers, mostly consisting of university students and companies in the Southern region of Vietnam. For three days, teams focused developing virtual assistants using AI technology in areas such as self-driving, manufacturing, banking, hotel services, and more. On the final day of the competition, each team had two opportunities to present their ideas before the judges. Judges selected the top eight teams to…
To say that mathematics and artificial intelligence are interlinked is an understatement. Not just because binary data processing itself is a form of calculation, but because mathematical principles and concepts form an integral connection to the underlying principles, as well as capabilities, of AI as currently understood. The law of large numbers is one theorem in particular that accurately represents the fundamental relationship of data analysis with operative repetition. In this article, we will take…
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to step away from my desktop to attend a conference organized by the Florida Alternative Investment Association (FLAIA), a non-profit created to establish Florida as an internationally leading center for Alternative Investment management. As I made my way through the swanky halls of the Hard Rock Hotel, music lyrics reminded me that “money can’t buy me love.” True — but it can buy entry into the digital economy and further…