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KAT 正式在币安去中心化交易所上新并且开始交易 KAT/BNB交易对已经于7月25日上午10点(北京时间)在币安去中心化交易所(Binance Dex)正式上线开始交易!我们非常感谢币安Binance和我们的社区在这一过程中给与我们的大力支持。 我们与Binance社区的全新合作关系为扩展我们的开发人员社区和代币经济提供了非常大的机会和支持。对于Kambria来说,这一转变标志着一个新的里程碑的…

What an incredible week this has been! Thanks to our amazing supporters, Kambria emerged as the victor in the Blockchain Stars finals! We won the entire competition in large part to having won the community voting phase with 29% of the votes! Kambrians, we could not have done this without you! To be sure, it was a tight race — one day we were leading and the next day we were behind. But thanks to the nearly…