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2020年康博利亚(Kambria)代码挑战赛 ​📢 康博利亚(Kambria)代码挑战赛第2轮即将开启,提前注册赢得丰厚奖励! 我们很高兴为您带来最新的Kambria代码挑战的最新消息。第二次测试的主题是人工智能:“卷积神经网络”,开始时间是2020年2月29日,星期六。我们为最早注册的参与者额外准备了丰厚的奖励。只需点击下面的链接,了解如何注册此次测试并且获得KAT奖励! 此外…

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide to you easy-to-follow instructions for creating a new wallet, or importing your existing wallet into MetaMask. You can use your MetaMask Wallet to interact with the Kambria Open Innovation Platform, as well as withdraw rewards from one of our hackathons or bounty challenges. If you have any questions at all, kindly email info@kambria.io with the subject “Wallet Help.” To make things easier, we’ve created this tutorial video…