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Artificial Intelligence


Ho Chi Minh City Hackathon The hackathon event attracted 17 teams and 68 developers, mostly consisting of university students and companies in the Southern region of Vietnam. For three days, teams focused developing virtual assistants using AI technology in areas such as self-driving, manufacturing, banking, hotel services, and more. On the final day of the competition, each team had two opportunities to present their ideas before the judges. Judges selected the top eight teams to…

在我们宣布更新了Kambria平台功能及全新官网之后,我们很高兴与你们分享更多关于Kambria平台的开发进展。 关于Binance Chain 上周我们宣布了KAT将迁移到Binance Chain。此次迁移为Kambria和社区提供了有机会成全球增长最快的区块链生态系统一部分的机会。我们在Binance DEX上的上线申请也已经被批准。 我们的开发团队已经为Binance DEX做好了准备,部…

Logistic regression is one of the most common and useful classification algorithms in machine learning. If you wish to become a better machine learning practitioner, you’ll definitely want to familiarize yourself with logistic regression. Let’s take some time to understand how logistical regression functions and situations where it should be utilized. Defining Machine Learning Terms Logistic regression is a type of classification algorithm. Yet what does “classification” mean? As a machine learning practitioner, you’ll need…