OhmniLab’s state-of-the-art telepresence robot was featured on the Today Show last week. Did you know that to jumpstart the Kambria codebase, OhmniLabs will open source and provide complete K-DNA for the entire Ohmni robot?
Here’s how Kambria and OhmniLabs will work together according to the Kambria whitepaper. “Through Kambria, roboticists can immediately modify Ohmni’s K-DNA and customize it for their specific tasks. Part of our motivation for founding Kambria comes from the many requests we received for custom robots. We realized that for many interesting applications, Ohmni was already 98% of the way there and only needed the last 2% customized…Kambria enables innovative exploration at a significantly reduced cost.
“OhmniLabs will continue to develop the telepresence product, as well as market, manufacture, support, sell and contribute funds to Kambria. The robot will continue to be called Ohmni. OhmniLabs’ goal will be to provide the premiere telepresence robot on the market at the lowest possible cost. In addition, we will be building and releasing another version of Ohmni on Kambria intended for developers, similar to TurtleBot, Aibo, Nao, and Pepper platforms. However, instead of the long 2- or 3-year cycles, continuous development on Kambria will ensure a release cycle of every 6 months.”
Kambria’s whitepaper can be found at https://bit.ly/2y7eckC
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Whitepaper: https://bit.ly/2y7eckC
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