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Deep learning is a powerful tool when applied to robotics. This article discusses how OhmniLabs uses deep learning for autodocking calibration in its telepresence robot. The Ohmni robot has the capability of finding its docking station and moving to that station for recharging. Calibration between the camera image and the robot coordinates in the real world is an important step of autodocking. In order to function properly, we first have to find some keypoints of…

本月,经过仔细慎重考虑,我们决定禁用近33%的KAT供应量。供应量将完全来自Kambria自己的部分(我们知道,这是影响巨大的!!)。 从12月1日开始,我们将从ERC20和BEP2区块链中永久禁用总计12亿个KAT(分别)。具体的请点击阅读:https://blog.kambria.io/kat-token-supply-update/ 2019越南人工智能峰会VIETAI SUMMIT  — …

Kambrians, the time is here. Thank you for being patient as we work together with our community to build and encourage a healthy community of token holders, developers, enthusiasts, and enterprise companies – united in a single goal: to #BUIDL. We are ready to share with you the next phase for the Kambria Token (KAT) and our blockchain ecosystem. Among the most prevalent requests from our earliest supporters was to consider reducing both our total…