大约一年前,我们宣布与里海大学(Lehigh University)的学生合作,支持智能机器的学术研究。在这一年的课程中,里海大学(Lehigh University)学生将许多新的基于人工智能的技术集成到Ohmni 开发者版本(Developer Edition)机器人平台中。通过在Ohmni Developer Edition中添加现成的传感器、开放的深度学习模块和基于云的NLP, 里海大学(…
With the conclusion of the first Kambria Code Challenge, we would like to provide a quick recap of the event, as well as tell you how you can practice Quiz 01 to improve your skills in artificial intelligence. Centered around fully connected neural networks, Quiz 01 was a great success. We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the event. The exam was designed to be both challenging and rewarding, so we would like to…
我们非常高兴地宣布在美国时间12月23日周一晚上8点(UTC-8),我们将发送1亿个KAT代币到一个燃烧的钱包地址,在那里它们将被永久禁用,不再被视为我们总供应量的一部分。这也意味着在接下来的一年里,总共有12亿KAT将被禁用。有关我们的代币燃烧的更多细节,请点击我们的代币详细信息解答文章:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O3ojgLS-SbNhQIVElFD-Bw 在此基础…