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Since the middle of the 20th Century, humanity has been dreaming of a future filled with magical robots that automate the mundane and achieve the impossible. We imagine being freed from toil and physical limitations, among so many other things. But after decades of mind boggling advances in computing and tech toys, the most functional robots to date are limited to the industrial sector. Where are all the dish washing robots, the laundry bots, the…

Automation is associated with job loss for many Americans, but is it possible that this industry can unlock a new wave of prosperity for the middle class? Let’s take a look at robotics, automation and the 99%. Earlier this month, a Pew Poll revealed that the majority of Americans are worried about a future where they are displaced by robots in the workplace. For many, this worry is very real. Everyone from factory workers to fast…

雷锋网「新智造」按:从为iPhone用户排队买新品的EmBot,到帮助在外逃亡的斯诺登成功“登上”TED舞台,远程协助机器人越来越多的出现在我们的生活中,不过目前市面上的远程协助机器人更多的定位于企业,而本文所介绍的机器人初创公司 OhmniLabs,则想将远程协助机器人带进普通家庭。新智造作为雷锋网旗下栏目,关注智能时代的创新与创造,目标是为创业者和投资人找到创投的机会。 昨天,总部位于加州圣克…