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Growing ‘Technology Trees’ is a principal objective of the Kambria Foundation. Our unique advantage is that we already have robotics product in the market, and we will use it to jump-start the open innovation platform. OhmniLabs is licensing its technologies — software and hardware — to Kambria for its use in the development of the first vertical in AI & Robotics. But to grow our technology trees, we will have to work with our research…

캄브리아 프로젝트 (Kambria) 기본정보  – 하드캡 : 1,990만 달러 (KAT) – 발행량 : 50억개 – 토큰 형태 : ERC20 – 토큰가격 : 0.02달러 – ICO 일자 : TBA – 목적 : 블록체인 기반 로봇 개발 플랫폼 토큰 할당량  – 토큰 판매 50 % – 생태계 구축 20 % – 캄브리아 팀  20 % – 옴니랩스 10% 투자 파…

Creating business opportunities for the robotics and AI industry has been Kambria’s mission since the dawn of its inception. High start-up costs, isolated development teams, and a lack of collaboration have impeded the growth of robotics development and hindered new businesses from getting off the ground. To Kambria, the solution is clear: create a way to incentivize collaboration to effectively accelerate the evolution of robotics technologies and allow entrepreneurs to pursue their vision. In this…